Haryana Labour Welfare Board* Organized a Seminar thru their Faridabad branch on 27th Jan 23 for Industries on Minimum wages Factory Act and Welfare Scheme for Employees

*Haryana Labour Welfare Board* Organized a Seminar thru their Faridabad branch on 27th Jan 23 for Industries on Minimum wages Factory Act and Welfare Scheme for Employees. All Industry Association were invited for the interaction session *Mrs Anuradha Lamba Adll.Labour Commissioner* chaired the Session. Other dignitaries on the Dias were JLC Mr Pramjeet Singh, JD MrAjmer Deshwal. DD Mr Ravinder Malik DLC Mr AjayPal Duddi who addressed this august gathering and spoke on *issues related with industries and labour welfare*. Questions raised by Assoc were Answered by the Officers on the dias. IIAF was represented by Mr Pramod Rana (President); Mr ICJain; Mr Ajay Abrol; Mr DP Yadav ; and Mr Devender Goel. The 1 hr program was stretched to 2 hrs and was well attended by all Industry Assoc.Key points discussed 1) Need to incl Labour officers in cases of labor disputes *to avoid police action*. The sooner industry informs the better possibilities for results. _Assoc can play the facilitators role in making this happen_2) Fctry Environment to be better sensitised for Women Workers. _Assoc shuld organise WorkPlace Culture Seminars_3) Small and Mid Size Industries shuld come forward to take advantage of Welfare Schemes. _Assoc should play a major role in pushing this in everyone’s benefit._The meeting ended with a vote of thanks to the Chair and a recap of the discussion by Mr IC Jain Chairman Media IIAF

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